AI Companies

Top 15 Promising AI Companies In The United States


Artificial Intelligence is becoming integrated with almost all market sectors, from the manufacturing industry to the robotic process automation industry. In the medical fields, AI assists doctors to find proper medical diagnosis. While on road its assisting vehicles with and without drives in navigating roads.

AI assisting humans in small tasks like finding some information or mimicking the way they speak to send a message. Since last decade, AI has been the new tech innovation that’s taking over the world.

As DataRobot CEO, Jeremy Achin says, “Everyone knows you have to have machine learning in your story or you’re not sexy.” Some think AI is far more dangerous than anything, while others say AI would change the way of commercial industry along with the lifestyle for the better.

In this article we have listed 15 such private companies in the US that is incorporating their business around AI.

Keep reading this article to know what these companies are.

Top 15 Promising AI Companies In The United States

Here are 15 AI companies in the US that have a promising business that incorporates AI with their business. These companies incorporate machine learning, natural language processing and computer vision being the core part of the business model that will bring forth future success.
San Francisco, CaliforniaDavid Golan and Chris Mansi (CEO)252 million dollars1.2 billion dollars  is developing a software that cross-refers CT scan images of patient’s brain to detect signs of early strokes. The CT image will be able to detect early signs of vessel occlusion that causes strokes and alert the specialists. This will lead to patients getting treatment in time and thus reduce the number of strokes.

Deep 6

Deep 6
Pasadena, CaliforniaWout Brusselaers22 million dollars50 million dollars

Deep 6 research team is developing a software that can take data from medical records and find underlying medical conditions in patients. CEO of Deep 6 says that the software can create graphs of patients using their medical records so that researchers can filter out specific traits and condition of the patient in  “minutes, instead of months.”

The software’s language understanding engine is being trained even to detect conditions that might not be on the system notes.


San Francisco, CaliforniaJohn DeNero, Spence Green12.5 million dollars29.5 million dollars

Co-founder of Lilt, John DeNero has previously worked as Google Translate’s senior research scientist and now developed a human-machine translator. Lilt makes better translation than an actual human translator and much faster.This machine translation also comes equipped with predictive typing tools.


Cupertino, CaliforniaArjun Sambamoorthy, Dhananjay Sampath (CEO), Anand Raghavan and Chetan Anand16.5 million dollars37 million dollars

Dhananjay Sampath, CEO and founder of Aemorblox developed a software that uses machine learning and natural language processing to stop cyber-attacks. In last few years, cybersecurity threats have increased leading to developing this software that can protect customers from engineered attacks such as phishing emails or missteps in human security like disclose of data, etc.

The software analyzes communication style and automatically flags possible treats to social engineered attacks on customers.


Seattle, WashingtonDaniela Braga13.1 million dollars38.8 million dollars

DefinedCrowd hires freelancers from a platform known as Neevo and then assigns them tasks such as recording audio or labeling images. These data is then used for machine learning-powered automation to train algorithms of customers after being checked.


Mountain View, CaliforniaDave Ferguson and Jiajun Zhu (CEO)1.03 billion dollars2.7 billion dollars

Nuro is developing driver-less vehicles that can make numerous trips to deliver local goods to its customers. For 5 years, the company worked on self-driving vehicles but now wants to focus on delivery of local goods than actual humans on its vehicles.

Aurora Innovation

Aurora Innovation
Palo Alto, CaliforniaSterling Anderson, Drew Bagnell and Chris Urmson (CEO)696 million dollars2.57 billion dollars

Aurora Innovation is a company that developed self-driving car systems that auto-machine manufactures can use to make their own self-driving cars. The company is created by Google, Uber and Tesla and experts who previously worked on their protects.

Currently, Aurora Innovations have a deal with Hyundai to provide software for future Kia car models. Recently the company became one of the best-funded companies in AI space after getting funding from Amazon, Sequoia Capital and T. Rowe Price.


Chicago, IllinoisBrad Keywell258 million dollars2.3 billion dollars

Uptake have collected a database of machine failures to leverage AI in analyzing the problems of vehicle failures. This failure detection can help customers or companies avoid problems in their vehicle, be it army vehicles or luxury cars.


New York CityDaniel Schreiber (CEO) and Shai Wininger480 million dollars2.1 billion dollars

Lemonade sells homeowners and renters insurances and offers claims to customers by collecting their information. 30% of the claims are resolved without any human interaction. Hence, more than 500,000 customers have already bought insurance from the company.


New York CityTed Bailey (CEO)577 million dollars1.59 billion dollars

Dataminr uses public data on the internet and incorporates deep learning, advanced statistical modeling and natural language processing to send tailored alerts to users. The United Nations, Amazon, and CNN are among 500 companies that pays subscription fees to Dataminr for sending tailored alerts.

The UN also uses the system to find early signs of humanitarian crisis in the world.


Boston, MassachusettsTom de Godoy, Jeremy Achin (CEO)431 million dollars1.2 billion dollars

DataRobot plans to automate most data scientists jobs. DataRobot boasts that with their software users and companies only need “curiosity and data” to build their own platform where all work can be done by the AI.

No knowledge of coding is needed to create their own platforms. Companies like Deloitte, PNC Bank and United Airlines used their software to create their own platforms.


Seattle, WashingtonMonish Darda, Samir Bodas (CEO)211 million dollars1 billion dollars

Icertis is a cloud-based platform that helps companies automate their administrative work and analyze previous contract negotiations. Companies like Microsoft, Daimler and Airbus are clients of this company.

Hippo Insurance

Hippo Insurance
Palo Alto, CaliforniaEyal Navan, Assaf Wand (CEO)209 million dollars1 billion dollars

Hippo Insurance is a company that makes the loan application process faster and Millennial-friendly.

Scale AI

Scale AI
San Francisco, CaliforniaAlexandr Wang (CEO)122 million dollars1 billion dollars

Scale AI is a data labeling company that helps companies to use their labelled data to train their own system. Alexander Wang started this company before he turned 23 and one of the listed 100 Most Influential People in the AI world in 2023. Wang says that his company uses machine learning to correctly label data.

Anduril Industries

Irvine, CaliforniaBrian Schimpf (CEO), Palmer Luckey, Matt Grimm, Joe Chen, Trae Stephens180 million dollarsJust under 1 billion

Ex-Co founder of Oculus, Palmer Luckey was fired from Facebook that led his to start his own company Anduril Industries in 2017. The company developed a threat-detection system by using data collected from drones, sensors on towers and vehicles. This data is then used to create a 3D but real-time image of a place.

This image is used to foresee potential threats to an area or place. UK’s Royal Navy and Marine Corps and even Customs and Border Protection have contracts with Anduril Industries.


What are your thoughts about these AI companies and Artificial Intelligence in general? Let us know.

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