Everything You Need To Know About DNSdumpster Features, How To Use, And Alternatives!

Everything You Need To Know About DNSdumpster: Features, How To Use, And Alternatives!  


Are you looking for information related to DNSdumpster? If your answer is a YES, then you have reached the right place.

There are a number of sites that are all over the internet. These platforms offer several services to the users as per their needs. One of these online services providing platforms is DNSdumpster.

Keep reading this article till the end to learn more about the same…

But First, What Is DNS?  

You must have already noticed that the initial letters of the word ‘DNSdumpster’ is DNS. in case you are new to the world of computers and information and data security of the internet, you need to understand what DNS is in the first place.

The abbreviation DNS stands for Domain Name System. It is a distributed and hierarchical naming system of the services, resources, and computer systems that are connected to the internet. DNS is a system that helps to translate human readable domain names to names that are readable by the IP addresses.

For example, if the human readable domain name of a particular network is www.amazon.com, DNS in the system will translate it to a code like, that the IP addresses will be able to understand.

In other and simpler words, the DNS is a map or phone book of the internet system that contains all the information related to names and number of networks. However, this information is translated and stored in a way that the IP addresses can understand.

What Is DNSdumpster?  

What Is DNSdumpster

DNSdumpster is a free tool that lets the users research the domain of your choice and other information related to it. This tool can help you discover and find out the hosts that are connected or related to the domain.

It is a project of Hacker Target that aims to provide the years with trusted and verified “open source security vulnerability scanners and network intelligence tools.” According to the website, with the help of DNSdumpster, you can find “visible hosts from the attackers perspective” which can ultimately help you in the process of security assessment.

It is an open source intelligence for the networks of your choice. With the help of this site or platform, the years can identify the attack surface or potentials. You can also analyze the security strategy related to the information of the network with the help of passive DNS reconnaissance, and eventually get rid of the threat to security.

Features Of DNSdumpster  

Features Of DNSdumpster

In case you were wondering how DNSdumpster can be of help to you and what are the features of the same, you have reached the right place.

Take a look at some of these features of DNSdumpster:

1. Attack   

The first feature of the DNSdumpster is that of Attack. However, there is one thing that you need to understand. This feature does not let you attack or hack other servers. Rather, it helps you to identify the “attack surface” of a particular domain. With the help of this feature or the platform, you will be able to penetrate testing or chase the bug bounties of a particular server.

2. Defend  

Next feature on this list is that of Defending the security of the site. With the help of Open Source Network Intelligence of DNSdumpster, you will be able to discover the assets that you probably were not that aware of. This lets you prioritize “mitigation against the most likely systems to be attacked.” You will be able to assess the network perimeters as well as the infrastructure without having to deal with any paper work.

3. Learn  

Last but not least, DNSdumpster has the feature of learning. In this section of the platform, you can learn about the processes and systems like Reconnaissance and Footprinting. This helps to quickly map the site of an organization and its attack surfaces. These are two of the most important skills that are necessary for determining and recognizing the network attackers.

How To Use DNSdumpster?  

Now that you know what DNSdumpster is, it is time for you to understand how to use this platform.

Using DNSdumpster online is very easy. All you need to do is head over to the website and then type in the domain name of a particular site that you want to check in the box.

For example, if the domain name of the site is amazon.com, type it in the box and either hit enter or click on Search.

Once you do that, you will get all forms of information and data related to the domain hosts and the IP blocks owners. You will also get a list of information related to the GeoIP of the Host Locations.

The DNSdumpster platform will also provide you with the list of DNS Servers, MX Records, TXT Records, Host Records, and more. You will also be able to get a map of the domain and see how it works.

While the TXT Records is the section where you will be able to find all the information related to the hosts in Sender Policy Framework (SPF) configurations, the MX Records is the area which is related to all the emails that goes for the domain.

That is not all. As a user, you will also be able to get the option to download the data that is shown on the screen. This can be used for future purposes and to keep everything on track.

Is DNSdumpster A Legit Site?  

In case you were wondering whether the DNSdumpster platform is a legit site or not, the answer is YES.

DNSdumpster is a completely legit site that lets you perform several processes like MX, TXT, DNS, and NS lookup. It is a product of the Hacker Target that lets you scan the internet and the possible signs of an attack on a particular domain.

According to the website, domain search is one often most important and obvious reports that  users find useful when using DNSdumpster. It lets you have a quick overview of the domain and helps to “identify operating system and server role which can reveal the security posture of the organisation.”

DNSdumpster Alternatives: Sites That Are Similar To DNSdumpster!  

In case you have used DNSdumpster before and are not very satisfied with the performance and services of the same, there is no need to worry. There are several other sites and platforms that provide similar services to that of DNSdumpster.

Here are the top alternatives and competitors of DNSdumpster that you need to know about:

  • Dnsspy.io
  • Nmmapper.com
  • Securityforeveryone.com
  • Osint.sh
  • Scantrics.io
  • Suip.biz
  • Hackertarget.com
  • Pkey.in

Wrapping It Up!  

In case you were searching for information related to DNSdumpster, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, feel free to let me know.

All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page. Then leave your doubts and queries or other suggestions in the comment box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you!

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